Friday, March 26, 2010

trying to figure this out

I've never done this before. Not sure how the whole blogging thing works. Guess I'll learn along the way, but that is ok because I am among friend. Incase you are wondering why I did not want my name on here it is because I am paranoid right now for many reasons. First of all I am paranoid because I have to worry about what supporting churches think of me. I had a pastor tell me that I can not tell the truth about everything because it will cause churches to drop our support. For example, if I say that I believe someone was healed I could be dropped by a church that does not believe in miracles...etc. I need a place that I can talk to people with out the worry of offending a supporting church. That is why I did not want my name on here. You obviously know who I am, but I am asking that this remains private between us so that I don't have to be paranoid about who is reading it. Other reasons are leaving a trail on the internet that can be followed by the mafia that we have the potential of pissing off in the future....see, I said pissing and I did not care if that word offended you...hahaha. If any of you know a better way of doing this let me know. I am so computer illiterate. I am cool about you inviting people that you trust, but right now I would prefer no one else from our old church in the country...aka you know who... if you don't mind. Again, that sounds horrible, but I am healing from some hurts from there right now and again, don't want to worry about anything getting back to them. They are a reference for us for other supporting churches. So...what is on your mind?

1 comment:

  1. This looks like it's going to be good. Glad you're doing it. I also have had a painful, wounding church experience that I'm still trying to get over.
